
 Superheaters The superheater is a heat exchanger whose function is to superheat the wet or saturated steam upto desired temperature by transfer of heat energy. The superheaters are either located in the passage of hot flue gases or directly over the furnace depending upon its design and application. In modern steam power plants, the superheating … Read more


Economisers An economizer is an heat exchanger which is used to raise the temperature of feed water with the help of waste heat energy of gases before it is supplied to the boiler. Note that the temperature of gases is about 350°C 550°C at exit of last heater/ superheater having large amount of heat energy … Read more


Reheaters Figure A Reheaters are used in between the stages of turbine to reheat the steam so as improve overall efficiency of plant and to avoid low dryness fraction of steam in later stages of turbine. Therefore, the basic concept and design is similar to superheater except that these operate comparatively at lower pressures and … Read more

Basic Arrangement of FBC System and its Advantages and Disadvantages

Basic Arrangement of FBC System Advantages and Disadvantages The basic arrangement of FBC system is represented in Figure. It consists of a shell with a distributor plate at its bottom with holes in it. The shell carries the boiler evaporator tubes which remain immersed in the fluidized bed as shown in figure. Coal of 6 to … Read more

Principle of Operation of Fluidized Bed Combustion System

Principle of Operation of Fluidized Bed Combustion System Figure A shows the simple fluidized bed which has a finely divided particles of fuel half filled in the column. At its bottom a distributor plate is fitted through which the air is passed in upward direction with some low velocity. The pressure drop across the combustion … Read more