Present Status of Power Generation in India

Present Status of Power Generation in India Economic growth in India depends on the power sector. The electric energy demands in the last two decades have increased at enormous space. In 1947, the total power generation was only 1360 MW. The present power generation status as planned is as follows : Table A: Indian generation … Read more

Present Installed Capacity of Power Plant and Sectorwise Allocation

Present Installed Capacity and Sectorwise Allocation Total installed capacity in India is 1,57,000 MW from various energy sources. The sources wise contribution to electrical power generation is : Coal = 63% Oil = 4.6% Gas = 11.5% Nuclear = 2.8% Renewable 12.8% (Hydro = 11.9%, Wind 0.6% and Biomass = 0.3%)

Comparison of Steam, Hydro-electric power plant, Gas turbine power plant and Diesel power plant

Comparison of Steam, Hydro-electric power plant, Gas turbine power plant and Diesel power plant Sr. No. Particulars Steam Power Plant Hydro-electric Power Plant Gas Turbine Power Plant Diesel Power Plant (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 1. Site Located near load centre having cheap and large land, water supply, transportation facilities etc. Located where large … Read more

Combined Gas Turbine Cycle Power Plants

Combined Gas Turbine Cycle Power Plants The temperatures of gas turbine exhaust lies between the range of 400° C to 525° C with stygen content ranging from 15 to 18 % depending upon the air-fuel ratios used. Therefore, it spetsible to utilise the large heat content of the turbine exhaust effectively in a heat recovery … Read more

Comparison of Gas Turbine and I.C. Engines

Comparison of Gas Turbine and I.C. Engines Sr. No. Gas turbine I.C. Engines 1. The weight of gas turbine per kW power developed is low since the working pressures are low required lighter construction. The weight of I.C. engine per kW power developed is high since the working pressures are high requiring heavy construction. 2. … Read more

Gas Turbine Power Plants

Gas Turbine Power Plants Gas turbine power plants finds its application in aircraft, in the industries for driving various machines likes compressors, pumps and the mechanical equipment, transportation and for power generation both as base load and peak load plant. First central power plant based on gas turbine was built in 1977 thereafter tremendous development … Read more

Components and Accessories of Gas Turbine Power Plant

Components and Accessories of a Gas Turbine Power Plant Components : The main components of a gas turbine power plant are compressor, combustor, gas turbine with auxiliary components as intercoolers and regenerators. Some of these are described below. 1. Combustion chamber (Combustor) : Various requirements of a combustion chamber are : Carryout complete combustion of … Read more

Fuels for Gas Turbine Power Plants

Fuels for Gas Turbine Power Plants Important properties of the fuel needed for gas turbine application are volatility, high calorific value, self lubrication property and its availability at low cost having no suspended impurities. Volatility of fuel should be such that it provides case of starting at low temperatures and burn with high combustion efficiency. … Read more

Selection of Site for Gas Turbine Power Plants

Selection of Site for Gas Turbine Power Plants Following points are considered for selection of site for gas turbine plants : Load centre : It should be located near the C.G. of loads to reduce transmission costs and the transmission losses. Availability of labour. Site should be away from localities since it is noisy in … Read more