Conduits (Canal, Flumes, Tunnel, Pipe line, Penstock)

Conduits (Canal, Flumes, Tunnel, Pipe line, Penstock)

A headrace is a channel which leads the water to the turbine and the tail race is a channel which leads the water from the turbine to the river.

A Combination of Tunnel, Flume, and Spillway

Combination of various types of conduits are shown in Figure these are as follows :

  1. Canal : It is an open waterway excavated in natural ground following its contour with slight slope corresponding to head loss due to friction.
  2. Flume : It is an open channel constructed on a surface above the ground supported on trestle (bars fixed on pair of legs for support).
  3. Tunnel : A tunnel is a closed conduit which is constructed if there exists a ridge or mountain between the dam and power house. It allow water to enter into the turbine. Tunnels are also constructed for supply of water from one reservoir to another reservoir.
  4. Pipe line : Pipe line is a closed conduit supported on or above the ground surface.
  5. Penstock : Penstock is a close conduit to carry water from dam to the turbine.

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