Cooling Ponds

Cooling Ponds

Cooling Pond

  1. In case the required amount of water is not available at steam power plant site, either the cooling ponds or cooling towers are constructed.
  2. The method of cooling the hot water by cooling ponds compared to cooling towers is simple and inexpensive but it is less efficient.
  3. The schematic diagram of a cooling pond is shown in Figure.
  4. The surface area required for cooling pond is very large, it is about 30 to 50 times the size of a cooling tower.
  5. The incoming condensate from condenser is sprayed in the cooling pond through nozzles. These nozzles are kept at a distance to each other so that there is no interference between two Sprays.
  6. The spray nozzles are kept at a height of 1 to 2 m above the ground level for effective cooling.
  7. The cooling effect is mainly achieved in the cooling ponds due to evaporation from water surface.
  8. The amount of water lost by evaporation and by the wind blowing across the cooling pond.

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