

Q. What is cycloconverter ?

Q. Explain cycloconverter with neat circuit diagram.

Q. Power Electronics Cycloconverters

Definition of Cycloconverter :

  • A cycloconverter is an Ac to AC power converter which can produce a variable voltage variable frequency AC output from a fixed voltage, fixed frequency AC input.
  • The word “cyclo” means frequency, so cycloconverter is basically a frequency changer circuit The cycloconverter is an AC to AC converter i.e. the input to and output of the cycloconverter is AC.
  • It converts ac power at one frequency to ac power of different frequency , without any intermediate dc link.
  • Due to the use of thyristors, the power control is also possible along with change in frequency.
  • The cycloconverters produce low frequency ac outputs from the supply frequency (50 Hz). They can be categorise into two categories :

Types of Cycloconverter :

  1. Single phase cycloconverter.
  2. Three phase cycloconverter.

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