Electrical Faults and Electrical Faults Causes

Electrical Faults and Electrical Faults Causes

  • Failures which are mechanical in nature are very slow and show some visible signs of their approach.
  • But electrical failures are sudden and without any pre-warning, excepting to an experienced person.
  • After the electrical installation is commissioned, it normally works alright.
  • Failures however rises later on due to the following causes :
  1. Faulty operation.
  2. Changes in the conditions of loading.
  3. Changes in the operating environments such as temperature, moisture and dust etc.
  4. Changes in the condition of equipment itself such as aging, deterioration of the insulations etc.
  5. Changes from the rest due to operating the equipment such as vibration etc.
  6. External influences of abnormal nature like voltage surges, lightning, short circuits etc.
  7. Fatigue of mechanical parts.
  8. Bad maintenance either due to the lack of attention which should have been given or much attention which should have not been given.
  • The main idea of providing protection is to minimise the overall damage in the event of fault of failure.
  • In ideal cases, single protection may be sufficient for a group of small equipments and a little extra time taken to locate particular faulty equipment should not be made much of.
  • Electrical quantities are not always constant and keeps on changing, so constant check on the electrical conditions of the components are necessary.

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