Energy Planning issues in India
Some of the important issues involved in energy planning in India are as follows :
- Accelerated exploitation of domestic energy resources.
- Intensified exploration of oil and gas particularly in view of the cost of crude oil prices are rising steeply in the last year and expected to rise further to almost 200 dollar per barrel.
- Energy conservation coupled with management of energy production and optimize the energy consumption.
- Augmentation of National Grid to enhance the inter regional energy transfer capability by 37000 MW.
- Energy production needs to be doubled every 10 years in the next 30 years.
- Development of hydro power upto its maximum potential by developing mini, micro and large bydel projects. India has taken 73 projects with capacity of 33000 MW which are under development stage.
- Thermal power generation capacity needs to be enhanced. Projects of capacity 60000 MW have been identified out of 1 Lakh MW planned in the year 2004.
- GOI has taken the initiative to set up a chain of ultra mega projects of 4000 MW each which will use latest supercritical fuel efficient technology.
- Development of nuclear based power projects.
- Development of solar, wind, photovoltaic and biomass based power plants.