Estimation of Electric Field in Some Geometric Boundaries

Estimation of Electric Field in Some Geometric Boundaries

  1. In a uniform field gap, the average field E is the same throughout the field region whereas in non-uniform field gap, E is different at different points of field region.
  2. Uniform field distribution is present between 2 spheres of equal diameter when the gap distance is less than the diameter of the sphere.
  3. Spherical electrodes are frequently used for HV measurement and for triggering in impulse voltage generation circuits.
  4. In absence of space charges, the average field E in on uniform field gap is maximum at the surface of conductor which has smallest radius of curvature.
  5. It has minimum field E, at the conductor having large radius of curvature.
  6. In this case, field is non uniform and asymmetrical as in the case of most practical HV components used in electric power system.
  7. The mean electric field over ‘d’ distance a between two conductors with a potential difference of V12 is

= V12/d

In non uniform fields, the maximum electric field Em. is always higher than average value. For some common field configurations, the maximum value of Em and field E. enhancement factor f given by Em/Eav Are presented in table 1 below :

Estimation of Electric Field in Some Geometric Boundaries

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