Factors on Which Breakdown Voltage (BDV) Depends
The Breakdown voltage depends on the :
- Field
- Gap separation
- Cathode work function
- Temperature of cathode
- Liquid viscosity
- The liquid temperature
- The density and
- Molecular structure of the liquid
Typical breakdown system of some liquids are :
Hexane 1.1 – 1.3 (MV/cm)
Benzene 1.1 (MV/cm)
Transformer oil 1.0 (MV/cm)
Liquid oxygen 2.4 (MV/cm)
Summary :
This type of breakdown process in pure liquids called the electronic breakdown, involves emission of electrons at fields greater than 100 kV/cm. This emission occurs either at the electrodes surface irregularities or at the interfaces of impurities and the liquid.
These electrons get further multiplied by Townsend’s type of primary and secondary ionization process, leading to breakdown.