Functions and Location of Boiler Mountings

Functions and Location of Boiler Mountings

Functions and Location of Boiler Mountings

The function and location of various mountings necessary for control, safe working and maintenance of boilers along with accessories for its efficient operation are given in Table.


of Boiler Mounting



A. For safe working of boiler


Pressure gauge

To indicate working pressure of the boiler during operation.

On the front cover of the drum connected to steam space by a siphon


Water level indicator – 2

To indicate the level of water inside the boiler drum.

One each on front and rear cover of the boiler.


Safety valves and combined low
water and high pressure safety valve

To protect the boiler from bushing due to  excessive pressure and to protect the boiler
due to water level dangerously too low.

On top of boiler drum in direct connection with steam space.


Fusible plug

To extinguish the fire in the furnace when water level falls below
the minimum level.

On top of the directly over the furnace.

B. For control of water and
steam flow


Feed check valve

To supply feed water to boiler during operation and stop the back
flow of feed water in case the feed pump fails.

On front cover of the steam drum in line with feed pipe.


Steam stop valve

To control the flow out of steam from the boiler drum.

On top of the boiler drum and in steam pipe line.

C. For cleaning and
maintenance of boiler



To remove heavy impurities settled at the bottom of boiler drum
either during operation or to remove water during maintenance.

At the bottom in the boiler drum nears its from end.


Man hole

For man to enter into boiler shell for inspection, maintenance and

At suitable position in boiler shell in elliptical shape and opening
closed by steam tight cover.

D. Boiler Accessories


Super heater

To superheat the steam generated in boiler.

In boiler drum in the path of hot flue gases.



To preheat the feed water before admitted to boiler drum with the
help of hot flue gases. It reduces heat supplied to boiler.

On downside of superheater in the path of hot flue gases.


Air preheater

To preheat the air supplied to the furnaces by the gases before discharge
to atmosphere through chimney. It improved combustion efficiency.

After economizer and before chimney in the path of hot flue gases.


Feed water pump

To feed water into the boiler drum during operation at desired

In feed water line before feed check valve at convenient location

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