Induced Over Voltage Withstand Test of Transformer

Induced over-voltage withstand test
This test is routine test i.e. it is carried on all the transformers.

  • Before commissioning the transformer it is necessary to know that the insulation resistance of a transformer is greater than a specified value, to avoid excessive leakage currents.
  • Megger test for insulation are carried out between windings, between winding and core and between core and clamping bolts.
  • The insulation resistance of each winding, in turn, to all the other windings, core and frame or tank connected together, and to earth shall be measured and recorded.
Induced Over Voltage Withstand Test of Transformer

Induced over-voltage withstand test of Transformer

  • The test is started by increasing applied voltage not greater than 1/3rd of test voltage, the voltage is then increased rapidly to full test voltage value for 60 seconds. 
  • The frequency of applied voltage should be twice the rated frequency of transformer.
  •  Then the voltage is rapidly reduced to 1/3rd of full test voltage before switching off.
  •  The purpose of using double frequency is to avoid excess excitation current during test. The double frequency supply is obtained from a separate alternator. 
  • If the test frequency exceeds twice the rated frequency of transformer the duration of the test shall be (120 x Rated frequency /Test frequency) sec. but not less than 15 seconds.This test is also known as flash test.

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