Interconnected System between Hydro and Steam Power Plants

Interconnected System between Hydro and Steam Power Plants

interconnected system between hydro and steam power plants

Hydro-electric power plants can be used both as base load and peak load plants.
However, today the trend is to use hydro power plants with steam plants in an interconnected system to as follows :
(a) When the adequate flow of water is available then the hydro plant be used as base load plant and thermal plant as the peak load plant.
(b) When the flow of water available is inadequate or has low water in reservoir, then the steam plant should be used as base load plant in connection with hydro plant as peak load plant.
Following are the advantages of using the interconnected system between hydro and steam power plants :
  1. Saving in cost.
  2. Standby requirement of power plant is reduced.
However, for successful operation of interconnected system it is necessary that suitable load allocation on both plants is carried it. It is necessary since the hydro plant can be started in few minutes while a steam power plant needs 4 to 6 hours to start.

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