Internal Causes of Failure and Abnormal Options of Equipments

Internal Causes of Failure and Abnormal Options of Equipments

Q. What are the Internal causes of failure and abnormal operation of equipments.

Internal Causes :

Internal Causes of Failure and Abnormal Options of Equipments

  1. In some unavoidable situation the machine may have to be run “over loaded” for a longer-period which causes temperature rise beyond the permissible limit. 
  2. During normal working shot-circuit may occur due to some reasons.
  3. Some live terminal touches the metallic part developing phase to ground fault.
  4. Rotating part and stationary part shall have uniform air – gap If not, then the behavior of mus becomes abnormal. 
  5. Single phasing means one of the three phases become open circuited and the load is stand only two phases instead of 3-phases. Hence over loading on phases and behavior become abnormal. 
  6. Due to facing of stator and rotor teeth sometimes the teeth become magnetically locked and motion of motor does that possible.
  7. Phase winding may electrically touch each other may create problem.
  8. Some turns of phase winding get shorted.
  9. Worn out bearings, oiling / lubrication may not have been done frequently involving a mechanical / frictional losses.
  10. Unbalance rotating weights and fault in rotor may also the case of abnormal behavior of the  machine. 

These are the causes creating problems of smooth working of machine and the machine abnormal behavior. 

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