Introduction of Fuel Cell
- Fuel cell technology is the new emerging technology. The development of this technology has started only few decades back and it is still under development for its commercial and economical use.
- A fuel cell is defined as an electrochemical device that continuously converts the chemical energy of fuel into electricity and heat without combustion.
- A fuel cell is similar to other electrical cells (battery) in respect that both have the positive and negative electrodes with an electrolyte between them and both produce dc power. However, the essential difference between the two is that a fuel cell provides continuous energy input and output while the battery stores the electric charge. The difference is explained below :
- A fuel cell supply system requires continuous supply of fuel and oxidant and generates de power and heat.
- For example, in hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell, H2 is supplied as fuel and O2 as oxidant continuously. It generates dc power with water and heat as by-product.
- Generated heat can be transferred to the atmosphere. While a battery stores the electrical charge and after supply of power it discharges and needs recharging.
- In case of conventional power plants, the chemical energy of the fuel is first converted into heat energy and then it is converted into electrical power.
- During power generation, lot of cooling water is needed for rejection of heat which is not utilized. While in case of fuel cells Do cooling water is needed since the heat can be either rejected directly to atmosphere or it can be used as process heat.
- The efficiency of conventional plant depends on the temperature range of the cycle.
- Whereas, the conversion of chemical energy into electrical power in case of fuel cells is an isothermal process.
- Therefore, the efficiency of chemical conversion into electric power of fuel cells is higher than the conventional power plants.
- This advantage of fuel cells makes it an attractive proposition to use in applications like space and ocean ships automobiles, portable power plants, military use and for power production.