Need of Energy Conservation
- Everyday we flip switches, work in busy factories using energy at a rate which is growing day by day. Energy is playing an important role.
- It is the central force behind our productivity, our leisure and our environment.
- There is a strong correlation between energy use per capita and standard of living in each economy. A higher per capita energy consumption means a higher Capita Gross National product.
- Low cost energy was available in past. Use of low cost energy for home. comfort became very predominant.
- But in the 1973, oil embargo produced an energy crises, which greatly affected the economy of the world, it resulted into sudden increase in oil prices, increasing the energy cost in every sector.
- The per capita energy consumption in India is very low as compared to that in advanced countries. But it is increasing day by day and it is aimed at 1000 kWh per capita per year. The gap between demand and supply of energy is increasing day by day due to increased usage of electricity due to the following reasons.
(a) Increase in population.
(b) Increase in standard of living.
(c) Increase in Industries.
(d) Increase in transport etc.
- The energy reserves of fossile fuels that is coal, oil, and gas are depleting at a fast rate. The increase in demand of energy and depleting energy sources all over the world is resulting in to inflection.
- Increase in cost of energy is affecting individual, social and national life, at the same time economy of the nation.
- Hence, energy saving is essential in developed as well as developing countries.
- The energy saving or conservation plan should eliminate wastage of energy without affecting productivity and growth rate.