Nuclear Waste Management

Nuclear Waste Management

Nuclear Waste Management

  • Every part of nuclear fuel cycle produces some radioactive waste. The radioactive waste has to be handled and disposed very carefully. The costs of handling and disposing of wastes from nuclear power plant is about 5% of the costs of electricity generated.

The general considerations for classifying radioactive waste are :

  1. How long the waste will be emitting radiation at hazardous level ?
  2. What is the concentration/ content of radioactive waste in the radioactive material ?
  3. Whether the waste is generating heat ?
  • First point determines duration of period for the waste management. Second and third point determine the suitable method for waste handling and disposal.

Classification of Radioactive Wastes :

  • The radioactive waste is classified into three groups, depending upon the level of its radioactivity/ radiation. These groups are : 1. Low Level Waste (LLW), 2. Intermediate Level Waste (ILW), 3. High Level Waste (HLW).

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