Other Tests of Bushing

Other Tests of Bushing

Other Tests of Bushing

Temperature Rise and Thermal Stability Test

  1. Temperature rise test is carried out for bushings having rating below 132 kV.
  2. It is carried outdoor at normal power frequency voltage.
  3. The voltage is applied till temperature of bushing reaches steady state value.
  4. The temperature rise should be less than 40° C.Temperature rise is measured by suitable instrumentation system.
  5. Thermal stability test is carried out for bushings having rating 132 kV and above.
  6. The bushings are immersed in oil and voltage = 2 x (Working voltage of bushings) is applied.
  7. The losses taking place are dielectric losses, Cu loss in conductors, contact resistance etc.
  8. These are converted into heat. The bushing should withstand temperature rise without thermal run away.

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