Power Factor Tariff Results into Energy Conservation
Q. Discuss how power factor tariff results into energy conservation.
Solution : Power factor tariff results into energy conservation :
- Applying incentives and penalties according to power factor is an effective way, which enables consumer to improve power factor so that he can reduce his higher electricity bill.
- Incentive is given to those consumers who are charged on the basis of maximum demand and are provided with meters to measure their load power factor.
- When the average power factor of the consumer is more than 0.95, an incentive at the rate of 1% of the amount of the monthly bill is given.
- When the average power factor of the consumer is 0.99 an incentive at the rate of 5% of the amount of the monthly bill is given.
- When the average power factor of the consumer is unity an incentive at the rate of 7% of the amount of the monthly bill is given.
- If power factor declines from 0.9, consumer is penalizes at the rate of 1%. It is further increases with low power factor.
Thus motivating consumers for maintaining higher power factor will finally leads to reduction in the current and helps for energy conservation.