Preventive Maintenance of Hydro Power Plants

Preventive Maintenance of Hydro Power Plants

Preventive Maintenance of Hydro Power Plants

Preventive maintenance of any power system is the key for long life and reduced break down. It enhances the power output and reduces the cost of power generation. Following is the schedule of maintenance.
  1. Monthly maintenance : Check for leakages, servo meter connections, turbine shaft, lubrication, oil pump and carry out necessary repairs.
  2. Quarterly maintenance : Check the governor hydraulic oil system, servomotor, generators and various connections.
  3. Half yearly maintenance : Check and carryout the maintenance of governor mechanism, working of various instrumentations, greasing the pumps and connecting pipe lines, bearings etc.
  4. Yearly maintenance : Check the runner blades for cracks & cavitational effects, check the cracks in draft tube and repair, check all turbine auxiliaries, transformer, penstock etc.

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