Reasons for High Technical Losses

Reasons (Causes) for High Technical Losses

Reasons (Causes) for High Technical Losses

Q. State any four causes of technical losses in transmission and distribution system. Also state techniques 16 reduce it.

Following are the main reasons for high technical losses :

  1. Insufficient investment on transmission and distribution network : It means that proper equipment may not be used to maintain the voltage at its desired value Also the small conductor size may be used for lower cost, increasing I2R loss.
  2. Random growth of sub-transmission and distribution network : It will increase the current transmission lines, increasing I2R loss. Also the transformer and other equipments will get over loaded reducing its efficiency and increasing losses.
  3. Large scale electrification of rural and urban area : Without proper modification of transmission system such electrification will increase technical losses.
  4. Too many stages of transformation : Every stage of transformation need sub-station, transformer and other equipments which have losses, hence such stages will increase technical losses.
  5. Improper load management : Connecting over loads on the lines, connecting unbalanced loads, connecting loads of low power factor will increase technical losses.
  6. Poor reactive load compensation : Reactive power of loads can be compensated by using power factor. The correcting devices such as capacitors, synchronous condensers, synchronous motors etc. so that current capacity flowing through lines can be reduced which will reduce losses.
  7. Poor quality of equipments used : It equipments and transformers connected to the system are of low quality that is having less efficiency, it will increase technical losses.
  8. Corona losses.

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