Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance

Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance

Q. Describe routine, preventive and breakdown maintenance with suitable examples. 

Routine, Preventive and Breakdown Maintenance

1. Routine Maintenance : As the name suggests, it is the maintenance as a routine work i.e.daily work so routine maintenance is a overall daily maintenance of the machine. After the stoppage of the machine on the earlier day, the next day the machine is to be neatly cleaned to remove din dust, near wastages, scraps.

For cleaning, a soft cloth, broom, vacuum cleaner, blower may be used. Check the switches, starters, indicators neatly before starting machine. In daily routine work, current, voltage, power, may be periodically observed or noted and a record may be kept for certain purpose. Earth connection must be checked to avoid shocks from leakage currents. While machine is working, thermal conditions must be ascertained by checking temperature. Excessive temperature may damage the insulation.

For mechanical stability of the machine, see that the working is noiseless, vibration less. If not take it for necessary corrections / repairs / maintenance. So routine maintenance is to check daily electrical and mechanical stable conditions. 

2. Preventive Maintenance : In order that, major faults not to develop in future, and to prevent from burning out, damages, breakdowns etc. a due care is taken by preparing a planned schedule of maintenance which can be called as preventive maintenance schedule. For different machines like rotating machine (generators, motor) and static machines (transformer) maintenance schedule charts are prepared. These charts are displayed and the maintenance schedule is exercised and followed. In this schedule the programme of maintenance is declared like



to be inspected


of maintenance






Frequency may be weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, five yearly etc. 

3. Breakdown Maintenance : As the title name suggests, this maintenance is essential in case of failure of machine activity / breakdown in operation of machinery. Failure of machine may take overheating, failure of insulation, earth fault etc. Mechanical faults may be due to damages of parts, bearing jamming, failure of cooling systemic parts, loosing of stampings of iron cores etc. After such happenings the machine is completely shut down and immediately to be taken for (i) inspection (ii) fault finding and repairs so that continuity of working can be brought back is a shorter period to avoid further shutdowns. 

See that, to avoid such happenings. 

  1. Insulation is in tack.(If not make necessary replacements.) 
  2. Sec free motions of rotating parts (if not take maintenance, repair steps, greesing oiling etc.) 
  3. Check uniform air – gaps between static and rotating gars. 
  4. Tighten the loose bolts, nuts, parts, terminals etc. 
  5. Air circulation system cooling system be repaired.

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