Some Important Terms Related To Biomass Plant

Some Important Terms Related To Biomass Plant

Some Important Terms Related To Biomass Plant

  1. Biogas : Gaseous product consisting of methane and CO2.
  2. Biomass : Organic matter such as trees, crops, animal waste, aquatic plants which are available on renewable basis.
  3. Digester : It is a sealed tank or container. In this the biological requirements of anaerobic digestion are controlled to achieve fermentation and optimize bio-gas yield.
  4. Anaerobic : It is a biological activity that takes place in oxygen less environment.
  5. Anaerobic digestion : A type of bacterial degradation of organic matter that occurs in the absence of oxygen methane and CO2, gas are also produced.
  6. Manure : Human faeces which are highly biodegradable and best suited for anaerobic fermentation.
  7. Slurry : It is a liquid manure . It flows out through plant outlet pipe.
  8. Sludge : It is precipitated solid matter that settles at the bottom of digester.
  9. Retention time : Average time of remaining slurry in digester.
  10. Scum : Waste material formed at the top of slurry.

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