Steps to Reduce Technical Losses in Transmission and Distribution System

Steps to Reduce Technical Losses

Steps to Reduce Technical Losses

Q. State any four causes of technical losses in transmission and distribution system.

Reduction of technical losses by various ways :

  • Controlling I’R losses.
  • Optimising distribution voltage.
  • Balancing phase currents.
  • Compensating reactive power flow.

  1. Determine the weakest areas of distribution system, improve the weakest area for maximum benefits and reduce the technical losses
  2. Distribution transformers should be shifted to load centres, so that lines of LT, lines will be reduced, hence technical losses will be reduced.
  3. Reduce overload on distribution transformers by installing additional transformer or increase capacity of the present transformer.
  4. if concentrated loads are to be supplied to consumers, install small capacity transformers at the premises of each consumer as per demand load so that length of distribution lines will be reduced.
  5.  If possible energy efficient transformers (amorphous core transformers) may be used in place of usual distribution transformers.
  6. Shunt capacitors shall be used at sub-stations to reduce reactive power or reduce total current supplied to inductive loads.

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