Townsend’s Current Growth Equation (Considering Primary and Secondary Ionization Both)

Townsend’s  Current Growth Equation (Considering Primary and Secondary Ionization Both)

I = I0 eα[Considering only Primary ionization]

I = I0 eα/ [1 – γ (eα 1)]  [Considering both Primary and secondary ionization]

Let n be the number of electrons released from cathode due to UV radiations.

Townsend's  Current Growth Equation (Considering Primary and Secondary Ionization Both)

n– be the number of electrons released from cathode due to the positive ion bombardment.

nd  – number of electrons reaching anode.

γ = Townsends secondary ionization coefficient i.e. number of electrons released from cathode per incident positive ion, photon or metastable.

We have equation from Townsends primary ionizaton as,

nd = n0 eα…. (1)

The equation changes to

nd = (n0 + n+) eα….(2)

Here n+ n– are the number of electrons at the cathode,

n= (additional electron) γ

n+ = [ nd – (n0 +

Note : Solve bracket, take non L.H.S. remaining part on R.H.S., put  nvalue in Equation (1) and (2), simplify and get the value for nd’  n/ time is current equation.

n+ = nd . y – n0 .γ – n+

n+ + n+ .γ = nd . y – n0

n+ (1 + γ) = nd . y – n0 .γ

n+ = y  (nd – n0) / (1 + γ)

Put value of nin Eqn (2)

nd = [n0 γ  (nd – n0) / (1 + γ)] eαd

[n0 + n0.y + nd.y-
n0.y / (1 + 
γ)] eαd

nd = [n0 + nd.γ / (1 + γ)] eαd

nd (1 + γ) = n0 + nd γ

nd + nd.γ = n0. eαd + nd.γ.

nd + nd.y – nd.γ.
αd = n0. eαd

nd (1 + y – γ. eαd) = n0. eαd

nd = n0. eαd / [1 + γ (1 – eαd)]

Divided by time,

nd / t = = n0. eαd / [1 + γ (1 – eαd)] /t

I = I0 . eαd/ 1 – y (eαd – 1)

This is Townsend’s current grown equation due to (α) primary and secondary (γ) ionization.

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