Types of Draft Tubes in Hydro Power Plant
Though there are various types of draft tubes, but the important type of draft tubes are :
- Conical draft tube
- Simple elbow draft tube
- Elbow draft tube with circular inlet and rectangular outlet
- Moody’s spreading draft tube.
(1) Conical draft tube :
- Earlier designs of draft tubes were of conical straight divergent type as shown in Figure A (a).
- Taper angle of divergent portion of tube is of great importance.
- If the taper angle, 20 is large it will cause the separation of flow from the walls of draft tube.
- In case the taper angle is small, the length of draft tube needed will be long causing higher frictional losses.
- Angle 8 ranges from 4° to 7º and the proportionate dimensions of the draft tube are shown in given Figure A.
- It is fabricated out of mild steel plates. It has an efficiency upto 90% and it is employed for vertical shaft turbines.
(2) Simple elbow draft tube :
- It has circular cross-section throughout from inlet to outlet as shown in Figure A (b) which is turned through 90°.
- Elbow type draft tubes are used for Kaplan turbines.
- These tubes reduce the depth and cost of excavation.
- It is made of concrete with steel lining at inlet to resist cavitation.
- Due to bend, such draft tubes have an efficiency upto 60%.
(3) Elbow draft tube :
- Elbow draft tube is shown in Figure A (c). It is circular in cross-section at inlet in its vertical leg which turns into rectangular cross-section in horizontal portion of tube upto outlet.
- The horizontal portion of tube is gradually inclined upwards so that the water leaves the tube almost at tail race level.
- In this case also, the cost and depth of excavation is reduced.
- The efficiency of these tubes are in the range of 60% to 80%.
- It is also made of concrete with steel lining near the runner.
(4) Moody’s spreading draft tube :
- It is similar to conical draft tube as shown in Figure A (d). It is provided with a solid central core which reduces the whirling action of water.
- It has an efficiency upto 85% and it is used for vertical shaft turbines having large whirl component at exit of their runner.