Types of Engines in Diesel Power Plant and Its Starting System

Types of Engines in Diesel Power Plant and Its Starting System

Q. State the different types of engines in diesel power plant.

Types of Engines in Diesel Power Plant and Its Starting System

Types of engines in diesel power plant :

  1. Two-stroke diesel engine.
  2. Four-stroke diesel engine.

Explain starting system in diesel electric power plant

(i) Engine starting system : The starting of diesel engines is carried out by the following ways :

  1. By use of compressed air.
  2. By use of diary engine.
  3. By use of an electric motor.

By use of compressed air : For starting diesel engine by compressed air the following procedure is adopted.

(i) Starting a value of compressed air is opened first, starting lever should then be operated.

(ii) Air should be cut off after the first combustion, then the ventilating valve is opened. The engine will mostly start after two or three revolutions.

By use of auxiliary engine : When it is started by the auxiliary engine, the auxiliary engine is disengaged by the main engine and started by hand. When it is warmed up, it is geared the main engine so that it will start rotating and will start in few seconds, disengaging the auxiliary engine automatically.

By use of an electronic motors : Batteries are used to start the electric motor, the motor is geared with diesel engine, it will start rotating with the motor and will start in few seconds, and as it picks up the speed the motor gets  disengaged itself automatically.

Engine exhaust system : It consists of silencers and connecting ducts. It is provided to discharge the engine exhaust to the atmosphere outside the plant building. The exhaust manifold connects the engine cylinder exhaust to the exhaust pipe provided with a muffler in order to reduce pressure in the exhaust line. As the temperature of exhaust gases is sufficiently high,  heat of these gases is utilized in heating fuel oil or air supplied to the engine.

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