Minimizing Transmission and Distribution Losses

Minimizing Transmission and Distribution Losses (Related to Commercial Losses)

Minimizing Transmission and Distribution Losses

Provide 100 % metering : Install meters at all the transformation stages of lines and take accurate meter readings.

  • Install static meters at the premises of every consumer with proper sealing and see that correct readings are taken. 
  • Install static meters on all feeders and distribution transformers.

Use effective management information system :

  1. Meters installed on feeders and distribution transformers will record, power, power factor and load M.D. etc. 
  2. The data from these meters may be downloaded to a computer network, which can be utilized for management of distribution system.

Total energy accounting :

  1. It is necessary to carry out accurate accounting of energy received and supplied, energy billing and determination of transmission and distribution losses from this.
  2.  The division of sub-division office will be in a position to determine commercial losses. Hence responsibility can be given to particular officer for detection of thefts etc.

Installation of p.f. improvement apparatus and modification of lines : 

  1. Install suitable power factor improvement devices such as capacitors at suitable points to reduce, reduction.
  2. Also the transformers should be shitted to load centers, so that length of lines will be reduced, reducing losses.

Installation of small size distribution transformers :  If small size distribution transformers are used, it will supply limited consumers and length same time, commercial losses can be controlled etc losses supply limited consumers and length of distributors will be reduced and also losses will be reduced at the same time, commercial losses can be controlled.
Digital mapping : For good energy management digital mapping of the entire distribution system should be developed.

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