Advantages and Disadvantages of Cycloconverter
Advantages of Cycloconverter :
- It is an ac to ac converter therefore no “dc link” is required to be used as in case of the inverters.
- The power flow is bidirectional, from source to load or load to source.
- With the variable firing angle control adopted as shown in Figure it is possible to obtain a high quality sinewave at very low frequencies.
- Due to the reason mentioned in point 3 the need of filters is eliminated. This will reduce the losses and increase efficiency.
- Since the SCR, are “line commutated”, seperate commutation circuits are not required.
- In the circulating current mode the regenerative braking can be incorporated.
Disadvantages of Cycloconverter :
- It is possible to change the output frequency only in steps. Smooth stepless control of output frequency is not possible.
- Output voltage waveform distortion may creep in at low operating frequencies.
- Control Circuit is very complex and difficult to design.
- Input power factor is poor at large values of (α).