Advantages and Disadvantages of Static Switch

Advantages and Disadvantages of static switches

Advantages and Disadvantages of static switches

Advantages of Static Switches :

  1. As there is no mechanical parts and motion involved in the operation of static switches, there is no wear and tear. Therefore static switches are maintenance free switches.
  2. Arcing does not take place in the static switches. Therefore they are suitable for switching in high voltage and high current applications.
  3. These switches can operate at high frequencies.
  4. Static switches are very fast as compared to the electromechanical or mechanical switches.
  5. They are small size, compact and light weight.
  6. Long life due to absence of moving parts.
  7. They are highly reliable.
  8. They are vibration and shock proof.
  9. Mounting of static switches is easy and can be carried out according to the requirement.
  10. It is possible to add many features such as delay, over current, under current detection, over and under voltage detection etc. in addition to the basic switching function.

Disadvantages of Static Switches :

  1. The static switches using SCR or Triac can be used only upto frequencies of 400 Hz.
  2. There is a possibility of accidental turn on due to electromagnetic interference or noise coupled to the gate terminal.
  3. Additional protection circuits such as snubbers, series inductors are required to be used.
  4. A trained (qualified) person is required to take care of the maintenance work.

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