Advantages and Disadvantages of Gas Turbine Power Plants

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gas Turbine Power Plants

Advantages and Disadvantages of Gas Turbine Power Plants

Advantages of Gas Turbine Power Plants :

  1. It is simple in construction.
  2. It is essentially, vibration fee being a rotary machine and having the continuous combustion.
  3. It runs at high speed thus it is smaller in size and has low weight to power ratio.
  4. Can use any type of fuel.
  5. It can be started and stopped quickly.
  6. It is less polluting since combustion is complete.
  7. Needs less space.
  8. Capital con la less.
  9. It needs very little or no cooling thus water requirements are very low as compared to steam, nuclear and diesel power plants.
  10. Lubricating oil requirements are low compared to diesel power plants.
  11. Has low installation and maintenance costs.
  12. Ignition system is simple.

Disadvantages of Gas Turbine Power Plants :

  1. Has poor part load efficiency.
  2. Special metals are needed for gas turbines.
  3. It has shorter life of about 5 years.
  4. It has noisy operation.

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