Advantages and Disadvantages of Gas Turbine Power Plants
Advantages of Gas Turbine Power Plants :
- It is simple in construction.
- It is essentially, vibration fee being a rotary machine and having the continuous combustion.
- It runs at high speed thus it is smaller in size and has low weight to power ratio.
- Can use any type of fuel.
- It can be started and stopped quickly.
- It is less polluting since combustion is complete.
- Needs less space.
- Capital con la less.
- It needs very little or no cooling thus water requirements are very low as compared to steam, nuclear and diesel power plants.
- Lubricating oil requirements are low compared to diesel power plants.
- Has low installation and maintenance costs.
- Ignition system is simple.
Disadvantages of Gas Turbine Power Plants :
- Has poor part load efficiency.
- Special metals are needed for gas turbines.
- It has shorter life of about 5 years.
- It has noisy operation.