Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of Photovoltaic System of Electric Power Generation

Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of Photovoltaic System of Electric Power Generation

Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of Photovoltaic System of Electric Power Generation

(A) Advantages (Merits) of Photovoltaic System :

  1. System can be built at remote locations and R is simple stand alone.
  2. Selection is very easy for power capacities selection and R can function unattended for a long time.
  3. Other thermal processes are omitted in this system as the system converts solar energy Into electrical energy directly.
  4. System is maintenance free.
  5. Solar cells are reliable, durable and modular.
  6. Performance is stable for a long time, life span is more than 25 years or so.
  7. Transmission of electric power is not costly as the generation plant can be located at place of utility of electric power.
  8. Absence of moving parts.
  9. Voltage and power outputs can be manipulated by Integration.

(B) Disadvantages (Drawbacks/Demerits) of Photovoltaic System :

  1. Solar energy is not continuous in all hours of day, not for all days nor for throughout all seasons of an year.
  2. It also varies place to place.
  3. Due to these two drawbacks for catering a large storage system is required in the system during non-sunlight period.
  4. Due to this reason, the system is bulky and costly.
  5. Conversion efficiency of solar cell is poor, about 30% only.
  6. Large area is needed to cater for low intensity of solar radiations.
  7. Cost of photovoltaic cell material is very costly. This increases the cost of the plant in comparison with other plants.

(C) Applications of Photovoltaic System : 

  1. Autonomous system
  2. Solar water pumps
  3. Central power generation
  4. Space satellite power stations

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