Capacitance Voltage Transformer

Capacitance Voltage Transformer 

The high voltage measurement is possible by utilizing the concept of resonance. The setup used for it is often known as capacitance voltage transformer. The capacitance voltage transformer is shown in Figure A its equivalent circuit is shown in Figure B.
It consists of 

C– High voltage capacitance (value is in few thousand pico farads)

C– Standard low voltage capacitance

M – Electrostatic voltmeter

L – Variable inductor (to achieve resonance condition)

T – Resonant transformer or matching transformer

Capacitance Voltage Transformer
Figure A

Equivalent Circuit
Figure B

V= Secondary voltage of transformer referred to primary

Z= Equivalent impedance of transformer referred to primary,

+ X2T

VZT = Voltage drop in equivalent impedance of transformer 

Vhv = High voltage to be measured.

hv = V’ M
+ VZT + V

and VC2 = V’ M + VZT

V hv = VC2 + VZT also
Ic1 = Im + Ic2

The Hv side of transformer is rated up to 30 kV and LV side is rated up to 500 volt. 

The inductor L is varied such that resonance condition is obtained 

At resonance, Total inductive reactance of the circuit = Total capacitive reactance of the circuit


2 πf (L + LT) = 1 / 2 πf (C1 + C2)

L = Inductance of variable inductor

LEquivalent inductance of transformer referred to hv side (primary side) 

The phasor diagram is drown at resonance condition. The secondary circuit is assumed to be resistive so Vand Iare in phase 

  • The voltage drops Is Ry and I X4 are added at the tip of V as shown. 
  • Thus Vc2 is obtained.

  • The voltage Vc1 is added at the tip of Vc2 to obtain Vhv i.e. the high voltage to be measured 

 OA = Vhv.

Figure C

Advantages of CVT :

  1. Provides isolation between power circuit (HV circuit) and measuring circuit (LV circuit).
  2. Design is simple.
  3. Installation procedure is simple.
  4. It can be used for metering and PLCC (Power line carrier communication).
  5. Change in frequency does not affect the operation.
  6. Tunning process to obtain resonance is easy.

Disadvantages of CVT :

  1. It may induce ferromagnetic resonance in the power system.
  2. Temperature variations affect the accuracy.

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