Axial Flow Reaction Turbines Propeller and Kaplan Turbines

Axial Flow Reaction Turbines Propeller and Kaplan Turbines The propeller and kaplan are propeller shaped axial flow reaction turbines in which the water flows parallel to the axis of the shafts. These turbines were developed to meet the requirement of using available large quantity of water at low heads (upto 80 m). In the year … Read more

Comparison Between Impulse Turbine and Reaction Turbine

Comparison Between Impulse Turbine and Reaction Turbine Sr. No. Impulse Turbine Reaction turbine 1. It works on the principle of impulse. Therefore, it follows the impulse momentum equation. It works on the principle of impulse and reaction. Therefore, it follows the law of angular momentum. 2. All the available head is first converted into kinetic … Read more

Hydraulic Turbines

Hydraulic Turbines A hydraulic turbine is a machine which converts the pressure and kinetic energy of water called hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. These are also called as water turbines. The mechanical energy of turbine is further converted into electric energy by an electric generator which is directly coupled to the shaft of hydraulic turbine. … Read more

Preventive Maintenance of Hydro Power Plants

Preventive Maintenance of Hydro Power Plants Preventive maintenance of any power system is the key for long life and reduced break down. It enhances the power output and reduces the cost of power generation. Following is the schedule of maintenance. Monthly maintenance : Check for leakages, servo meter connections, turbine shaft, lubrication, oil pump and … Read more