Sumpner’s Test, Back to Back for two identical 1-phase Transformers, Regenerative Test of Transformer

Sumpner’s Test Back to Back (Sumpner’s Test) (for two identical 1-phase Transformers) (Regenerative Test) Q. Explain the procedure for back to back test on transformer with neat circuit diagram. State advantages and disadvantages of this method. Q. Draw the experimental setup of the Sumpners test and state its advantage. Q. Draw the experimental set up … Read more

Ideal Transformer Diagram Properties Working and Phasor Diagram

Ideal Transformer The ideal transformer has following properties. Negligible current for establishing flux in the core. There is no magnetic leakage. Windings have no ohmic resistance. So resistance of primary and secondary winding is zero. Consider an ideal transformer shown in Figure. The primary is connected to ac supply of V1 volt and secondary is kept … Read more

Conditions to be Satisfied for Parallel Operation of Transformers

Parallel Operation of Transformer Q. What is the need of parallel operation of transformers? Discuss the conditions to be satisfied before connecting two 1-phase transformer in parallel. When the load current increases above the capacity of one transformer, we can connect one more in parallel instead of replacing the existing transformer with a bigger one. … Read more

Parallel Operation of Transformer, Why Transformer Use in Parallel

Parallel Operation of Transformer Q. What is the need of parallel operation of transformers? Discuss the conditions to be satisfied before connecting two 1-phase transformer in parallel. When the load current increases above the capacity of one transformer, we can connect one more in parallel instead of replacing the existing transformer with a bigger one. … Read more

Disc and Continuous Disc Windings of Transformer and Types of Transformer Winding

Types of Transformer Winding (Disc and continuous disc winding of Transformer) Q. Draw neat sketches and discuss the special features of following winding used for 3 phase transformer : Cylindrical winding, Helical winding, Crossover winding, Disc winding. List the typical voltage and current ranges over which they are used. Different type of windings are used depending upon … Read more

Transformer Oil Working, Transformer Oil name, Why Oil use in Transformer (in Hindi)

Transformer Oil name In transformer we mostly use Transformer Mineral Insulating oil. Paraffinic Oil  Naphthenic Oil Bio Based Transformer Oil Silicone Based Transformer Oil 1. Paraffinic Oil It is use where Transformer have high rating current. It is part of Mineral Insulating oil. 2. Naphthenic Oil It is use where Transformer have low rating current. It is part … Read more

Cross Over Windings of Transformer and Types of Transformer Windings

Types of Transformer Winding (Cross Over Winding of Transformer) Q. Draw neat sketches and discuss the special features of following winding used for 3 phase transformer : Cylindrical winding, Helical winding, Crossover winding, Disc winding. List the typical voltage and current ranges over which they are used. Different type of windings are used depending upon voltage, current … Read more