Important Points about Energy Conservation Basics
- The reserves of oil and natural gas known uptill now in India will last for 18 and 26 years respectively.
- Among the various steps to be taken for meeting energy demand efficient use of energy and is conservation comes out to be the least cost option in any given strategies.
- India is facing severe shortage, 70 % of total petroleum product demand.
- It is also facing peak power and average power energy shortages of 12% and 7% respectively.
- Energy conservation is necessary for every citizen of India using energy at household or a factory, small shop or commercial building farmer or office worker.
- Industrial sectors such as fertilizers, aluminium, textiles cement etc can save up to 15-25% of energy.
- 5-15% energy can be saved in housekeeping measures.
- Need of energy conservation : The gap between energy demand and supply is increasing day by day, the energy reserves of fuels are depleting at a fast rate which result into infection. It affects increase in cost and individual and social natural life. Hence, it is necessary to conserve energy.
- Energy conservation means using energy more efficiently or reducing wastage of energy.
E. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
F. Important Points about Energy Conservation Basics