Servo Type AC Voltage Stabilizer
Block diagram of Servo Type AC Voltage Stabilizer :
The block diagram for the servo stabilizer is as shown in Figure. As seen from the Figure, it uses an ac servomotor which is mechanically coupled to the moving tap of an autotransformer.
Operation of Servo Type AC Voltage Stabilizer :
The sensing circuit will sense the load voltage, if it is found to be less than or greater than the normal voltage i.e. 230 Volts, it will rotate the ac servomotor in either clockwise or anticlockwise direction.
This will rotate the moving tap of the autotransformer and the necessary corrective action is completed. It is necessary to use limit switches on both the extreme ends of the autotransformer to avoid the motor driving the wiper outside the range.
- Smooth stepless variation in the output voltage.
- Good voltage regulation.
- Output voltage waveform is undistorted (sinusoidal output).
Disadvantages of Servo Type AC Voltage Stabilizer :
- Due to the use of auto transformer and ac servo motor the circuit is costly.
- It is not very fast in action.
Application of Servo Type AC Voltage Stabilizer :
Mostly for the computers.